Brett Cascio, M.D.
Orthopaedic Specialist
Orthopaedic Surgery & Sport Medicine
Board Certified
Primary Certification
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Louisiana, Colorado
Dr. Cascio’s Expertise
Dr. Cascio specializes in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. His practice focuses on knee, shoulder, hip, and cartilage injuries; he is trained in the latest minimally invasive arthroscopy surgery techniques for hips, knees and shoulders, which reduces scarring and recovery time. Dr. Cascio also helps with elbow, wrist, ankle, and back and neck problems.
He has performed thousands of shoulder rotator cuff and labrum repairs and hundreds of hip labrum repairs with special training in arthroscopic hip preservation.
Dr. Cascio has expertise in shoulder replacement and has performed hundreds of traditional and reverse shoulder replacements. He has an ongoing clinical study for shoulder resurfacing, which is an option for younger patients.
Dr. Cascio also specializes in ACL reconstructions with hundreds of ACL and meniscus surgeries performed, rotator cuff tears and the arthroscopic treatment of hip, knee and shoulder pain and injuries.
What does that mean?
Dr. Cascio worked as a consultant with Smith Nephew and Johnson and Johnson/Depuy Mitek to help design instruments for safer hip arthroscopy. Traditionally, the way medicine advances is for cutting edge companies to team up with experienced surgeons to develop better, safer, faster ways to treat patients.
Dr. Cascio has teamed up with Smith and Nephew, a major orthopaedic company, to develop better hip and shoulder arthoscopy techniques and instruments. A big part of this partnership is teaching. Dr. Cascio teaches multiple arthoscopy courses to practicing orthopaedic surgeons around the country. Dr. Cascio uses not only Smith and Nephew products, but whatever products that he thinks are the best for your individual situation.
Dr. Cascio is currently working with Maruho to design tools and implants for hip, knee, and shoulder surgery and with Ingen for Shoulder Replacement.
Dr. Cascio is a consultant for MiMedx for amniotic tissue and regenerative medicine. He has developed a method for incorporating the graft into rotator cuff repairs. Arthrosurface for shoulder resurfacing; following patients as part of a clinical study for shoulder resurfacing for 10 years.
Dr. Cascio has taught other surgeons how to perform shoulder replacements, hip and knee and shoulder arthroscopy, and regenerative medicine.
Past Courses:
- Introduction to Hip Arthroscopy – Orthopaedic Learning Center, Rosemont, IL – 2008
- Basic Hip Arthroscopy – Houston, TX – 2009
- Hip Arthroscopy: Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement – Austin, TX – January 2010
- Hip Arthroscopy: Labral Repair – Long Island, NY – February 2010
- Hip Arthroscopy: From the Young to the Arthritic Hip – Fayetteville, AR – February 2010
- Hip Arthroscopy: Hip Scope Course – Rosemont, IL – 2011
- Hip Arthroscopy: Advanced Techniques – Avon, CO – 2018
Team Athletics:
Dr. Cascio has participated as team physician for the New Orleans Shell Shockers professional soccer team, the U.S. Ski team, the Colorado Rockies and the Baltimore Orioles baseball teams, the Denver Broncos football team, the Johns Hopkins lacrosse and football teams, and multiple high school athletic teams. Dr. Cascio was Head of Sports Medicine at Louisiana State University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in New Orleans and was also Head Team Physician for McNeese State University. Also, Dr. Cascio has been medical director of Memorial Sports Medicine for over 10 years.
Specialty: Orthopeadics & Sports Medicine
College: Duke University
Medical School: Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Internship: Johns Hopkins Hospital
Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital
Sports Medicine Fellowship: Steadman-Hawkins Clinic
Military Service: Major, United States Army Reserves, served in Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom. Awarded Army Commendation Medical
Licensure: Louisiana, Colorado
Professional Highlights:
Dr. Cascio specializes in sports medicine and the arthroscopic treatment of ACL reconstructions, rotator cuff tears, and hip, knee, & shoulder pain and injuries. His expertise is in hip arthroscopy and Femoro-Acetabular impingment and he is the regional expert in hip arthroscopy. He was the first physician to repair a hip labrum in Louisiana and has the most experience with repairing hip labrums in Louisiana.
Dr. Cascio has performed hundreds of traditional, partial, and reverse shoulder replacements.
Dr. Cascio specializes in Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. His practice focuses on knee, shoulder, hip and cartilage injuries; he is trained in the latest minimally invasive arthroscopy surgery techniques for hips, knees and shoulders, which reduces scarring and recovery time. Dr. Cascio also specializes in ACL reconstructions, rotator cuff tears and the arthroscopic treatment of hip, knee and shoulder pain and injuries. He is a consultant for Smith and Nephew to help design instruments for safer hip arthroscopy.
Dr. Cascio’s two main areas of research are cartilage regeneration and the medicolegal aspects of compartment syndrome. Dr. Cascio has presented his research at several national meetings, including the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the International Cartilage Repair Society, and has published his work in journals such as the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. His most recent article being: Yen Yi-Meng; Cascio Brett; O’Brien Luke; Stalzer Steve; Millett Peter J; Steadman J Richard Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with microfracture and rehabilitation. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2008; 40(2):200-5
His expertise has included the care of the New Orleans Shell Shockers Professional Soccer team, the U.S. Ski team, Colorado Rockies and Baltimore Orioles Baseball teams, Denver Bronco’s Football team, the Johns Hopkins Lacrosse and Football teams, and multiple high school teams. Dr. Cascio was Head of Sports Medicine at Louisiana State University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in New Orleans and was Head Team Physician for McNeese State University. He is currently the director of the Sports Medicine Program at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital and helps to care for 22 area high schools.
He is a Lt. Colonel in the Army Reserve and has deployed to Afghanistan in a Forward Surgical Team.
His professional affiliations include: Member, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Member, American Arthroscopy Association of North America Member, American Association of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Emerging Leader, American Orthopaedic Association
Curriculum Vitae
Brett Michael Cascio, M.D.
- Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
- Director Lake Charles Memorial Sports Medicine
- Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve
- Board Certified American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Sports Medicine Specialty Certification
- Clinical Assistant Professor LSU School of Medicine
- Clinical Instructor, McNeese St. Univ. Athletic Training Program
4150 Nelson Rd Bldg D, Suite #1
Lake Charles, LA 70605
Place of Birth:
New Orleans, LA
(337) 508-1000
(337) 313-3878
Academic Appointment
Assistant Clinical Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery, Family Medicine, and Allied Health Professions Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA
Operative and Admitting Privileges
- SURGICARE OF LAKE CHARLES, Lake Charles, LA (2010 – present)
- LAKE CHARLES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Lake Charles, LA (2009 – present)
- WOMEN AND CHILDRENS HOSPITAL, Lake Charles, LA (2009 – present)
- CHRISTUS ST PATRICK HOSPITAL, Lake Charles, LA (2009 – present)
- WEST CALCASIEU CAMERON HOSPITAL, Sulphur, LA (2010 – present)
- OCHSNER MEDICAL CENTER-KENNER, Kenner, LA (2007 –present)
- CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, New Orleans, LA (2007 – present)
OCHSNER MEDICAL CENTER – BAPTIST, New Orleans, LA (2007 – present)
JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, Baltimore, MD July 2001-July 2006 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Administrative Chief Resident 2005-2006
- Administrative Chief Resident 2005-2006
- Doctor of Medicine, May 2001
- Honors Program
- AΩA President
DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, NC B.S. Biology, Double Major in History, Minor in Chemistry; May 1993-1997
- Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, Club Baseball and Football
JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL, New Orleans, LA 1988-1993
- Varsity Baseball, Marine Corps Junior R.O.T.C.
Military Service
- Major, United States Army Reserves (2001-present)
- Deployment, Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom (2007-2008)
- Awarded Army Commendation Medal
Medical License
- Colorado (2006-present)
- Louisiana (2007-present)
Professional Organizations
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, member
- Arthroscopy Association of North America, member
- Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons, member
- American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, member
- American Orthopaedic Association, emerging leader
- Louisiana State Medical Society – 2011 and 2012 meeting delegate
- Calcasieu Parish Medical Society
Academic Honors
- 2001 – L.S.U. Medical School Honors Thesis: Mechanical behavior of transverse, step, and sigmoid osteotomies for allograft fixation
- 1999 – Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Beta of Louisiana Chapter
- 2001 – President of AΩA, Beta of Louisiana Chapter
- 2000 – Jefferson Parish Medical Society Scholarship
- 2001 – Louisiana Orthopaedic Association Outstanding Student Award
- 2005 – Resident Leader, Zimmer-AOA Resident leadership Forum, Huntington Beach, CA
- 2005 – Pfizer Scholars in Pain Management Award
- 2007 – Arthroscopy Association of North America Research Award for cartilage regeneration
- 2004 – AO Basic Course, Baltimore, MD
- 2007 – Officer Basic Course, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio
- 2008 – Arthroscopy Association of North America Knee Ligament Course
- 2008 – AANA Shoulder Course
Academic Appointments
- Johns Hopkins Medicine DVT Collaborative, Department of Orthopaedics Representative, 2005
- Developing DVT prophylaxis regimen for hospital and resident and nurse education
- Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Orthopaedics Safety Representative for Compartment Syndrome, 2002-present
- Resident and nurse education.
- Education Committee, Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedics, 2004-2006
- Research Committee, Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedics, 2004-2006
- Credentials Committee, LSUHSC, New Orleans 2008-2009
- Performance Enhancement Committee, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, 2010-present
- Depuy-Mitek, Johnson and Johnson Corporation – knee and biologic materials
- Smith and Nephew – shoulder and hip arthroscopy
- Articular Cartilage Repair: Novel Photopolymerizing Hydrogels With Integrating Adhesive. Elisseeff, JH(Primary Investigator); Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering. Johns Hopkins University. Several in vivo studies(goats and rabbits). 2003 to present. Funding provided in part by Maryland TEDCO Univeristy Technology Development Fund, NIH, and The Arthritis Foundation.
- PMMA particles induce caspace 3, iNOS expression and apoptotic chondrocyte death. O’Neil Research Laboratories, Good Samaritan Hospital, Johns Hopkins Orhopaedics, Division of Arthritis Surgery. Primary Investigators Carmelita Frondoza and David Hungerford.
- Compartment Syndrome: Improving Documentation, recognition, and time to operative intervention. Frassica FJ (Primary Investigator). Johns Hopkins University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2001 to 2006.
- Mechanical comparison of step, transverse, and sigmoid osteotomies for allograft fixation in long bones. Wilson SC (Primary investigatgor) Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. National Cancer Institutes Grant. $1500, 1998-2001.
- The influence of the menstrual cycle on ACL laxity in the female athlete. Feagin J (Primary investigator). Duke University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1996-1997.
- Revision microfracture, ACL reconstruction over age 40, and arthroscopy for the arthritic knee. Steadman Hawkins Clinic, 2006-present.
- Hip arthroscopy data base started with IRB approval at LSUHSC, 2008
- Acute fasciotomy closure of fasciotomies using vacuum assisted closure. Prospective, randomized study. Primary Investigator.
- Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. Osteochondritis Dissecans. Part 1 and 2.. Guest Editor. 2010.
- Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. Hip arthroscopy. Guest Editor. 2011.
- Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society. 2008 – 2009.
- Arthroscopy Association of North America, Hip Scope Course, September 26 – 28, 2008.
- Arthroscopy Association of North America, Hip Scope Course, July 15-17, 2011.
Journal Publications
- Ladner B, Nester K, Cascio B. Abdominal fluid extravasation during hip arthroscopy. Arthroscopy 2010 Jan;26(1):131-5.
- Penton, JL, Cascio BM. Internal fixation of osteochondritis dissecans in the knee. Op Tech Sp Med 2008 April 16(2):97-101.
- Bourgeois TJ, Hernandez JR, Cascio BM. Physical therapy treatment of nonoperative and operative articular defects in the knee. Op Tech Sp Med 2008 Oct 16(2):212-220
- Cascio BM, Sharma B. The future of cartilage repair. Op Tech Sports Med 2008 Oct 16(2):221- 4.
- Cascio BM. Options for labrum repair in hip arthroscopy. Op Tech Sp Med. Accepted.
- Cascio BM, Yen YM, King DJ. Young athletic psoas impingement: Experience at three tertiary hip arthroscopy centers. Am J Sports Med. Submitted.
- Farber AJ, Cascio BM, Wilckens JW. The Treatment of Acute Type-III acromioclavicular separations: Literature review and rationale for free graft anatomic reconstruction. Am J Orthop 2008 Jul;37(7):349-55.
- Shindle MK, Khosravi AH, Cascio BM, Deune EG, McFarland EG: Surgical treatment of a tear of the pectoralis major muscle origin. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007 Sep;89(9):2040-3
- Pateder DB, Kebaish KM, Cascio BM, Neubaeur P, Matusz DM, Kostuik JP. Posterior only vs. combined anterior and posterior approaches to lumbar scoliosis in adults: a radiographic analysis. Spine. 2007 Jun 15;32(14):1551-4.
- Wang D, Varghese S, Sharma B, Strehin I, Gorham J, Fairbrother DH, Cascio BM, Elisseeff. Multifunctional chondroitin sulfate for tissue integration. Nature Materials. 2007 May;6(5):385-92.
- Cascio BM, Ain MC, Pateder D, Kramer DE, Farber A, Frassica FJ. A chart insert improved compartment syndrome documentation at an academic center. Orthopaedics April 2008;31(4):364
- Yen Y, Cascio B, O’Brien L, Stalzer S, Millet P, Steadman JR. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with microfracture and rehabilitation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2008 Feb;40(2):200-5.
- Farber A, Fayad L, Johnson T, Cascio BM, Shindle M, Neubauer P, Khanna J. MRI of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg 2006;88-A(Suppl 4):64-79.
- Kramer D, Bahk M, Cascio BM, Cosgarea A. Posterior knee arthroscopy: anatomy, technique, application. J Bone Joint Surg 2006;88-A(Suppl 4):110-121.
- Cascio BM, Chang T, Pateder DB, Ain MC. Tip of the Trade: A Method of Splinting for Surgeons. J of Sug Orthop Adv 2006;15(2):115-117.
- Pateder DB, Park YS, Kebaish K, Song E, Cascio BM, Shapiro M, Buchowski JM and Kostuik JP. Spinal fusion after revision surgery for pseudarthrosis in adult scoliosis. Spine 2006 May 15;31(11):E314-9.
- Cascio BM, Pateder DB, Wilckens JH, Frassica FJ: Compartment syndrome: time from diagnosis to fasciotomy. J Surg Orthop Adv 2005;14(3):117-121.
- Cascio BM, Ain MC, Wilckens JH, Frassica FJ. Documentation of compartment syndrome at an academic health care center. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Feb;87(2):346-50.
- Buchowski JM, Cascio BM, Streiff MB, Frassica FJ. Resection and reconstruction of a massive femoral hemophilic pseudotumor. Clin Orthop Rel Res 2005;430:237-242.
- Cascio BM. Culp L, Cosgarea A. Return to play after knee ligament reconstruction. Clin Sports Med 2004;23,395-408.
- Cascio BM, Buchowski JM, Frassica FJ. Well-limb compartment syndrome after lateral decubitus positioning: two case reports. J Bone Joint Surg 2004;86A(9),2038-2040.
- Shindle M, Cascio BM, Khanuja H, McFarland E. Return to play after total joint arthroplasty. Biomechanics 2004; Feb,22-32.
- Cascio BM, Thomas KA, Wilson SC. A mechanical comparison of transverse, step, and sigmoid osteotomy. Clin Orthop Rel Res 2003;411,296-304.
- Wilson SC, Cascio BM, Plauche HR. Giant cell tumor of the capitate: a case report and literature Review. Orthopaedics 2001;24,1085-1086.
- Wilson SC, Cascio BM, Randaisi V, Levine E, Chuinard RG, Neitzschman HR. Slowly growing mass on the tumb of a 24-year old woman. Clin Orthop Rel Res 1999; 367,315-322.
- Wilson S, Cascio B, Neitzschman H. Nail puncture wound to the foot. J La State Med Soc. 1999; 151, 251-252.
- Wilson S, Cascio B, Neitzschman H. Infection or neoplasm. J La State Med Soc. 1999; 151, 501-502.
- Clasen C, Wilson S, Cascio B, Neitzschman H. Blastoma. J La State Med Soc 1998; 150, 575-577.
Thesis Publications
- Cascio BM. Mechanical comparison of transverse, step, and sigmoid osteotomies for allograft fixation. Louisiana Sate University School of Medicine Honors Program.
Book Chapters
- Cascio BM. Peroneal Tendon Subluxation, Compartment Syndrome, Hamstring Sprain, and Ankle Pain in 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult. Frassica FJ, Wilckens J eds. Philadelphia:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2006.
- in MC, Cascio BM, Rigamonti D. Complications in achondroplastic spinal surgery. In: Spinal Surgery Complications, V Tolo, ed. New York: Springer Verlag, 2004:629-637.
- Cosgarea A, Cascio BM. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction and repair. Masters Techniques in Knee Surgery. Accepted. Book in progress.
- Cascio BM, Cosgarea A., Khanna AJ, J Reeder. MRI of the Knee. In Khanna AJ. MRI for Orthopaedic Surgeons. Accepted. Book in progress.
Oral Presentations
- Cascio BM, Steadman JR. 5 year survival of arthroscopic treatment regimen for knee arthritis. Louisiana Orthopaedic Society Meeting. April 2008.
- Penton J, Easton B, Cascio BM. Hip arthroscopy and labral repair in a dancer. Louisiana Orthopaedic Society Meeting April 2008.
- Cascio BM. Afghanistan: Forward Surgical Team. Louisiana Orthopaedic Society Meeting. April 2008.
- Cascio B, Fermanian S, Sharma B, Williams CG, Elisseeff JH. Novel strategy for cartilage repair using acellular photopolymerizable hydrogels and subchondral drilling in a large animal model.
- Research Award. Arthroscopy Association of North America. San Francisco April 2007
- International Cartilage Repair Society, Warsaw, Poland 2007
- Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, Vail, CO, December 2004.
- Cascio BM. ACL Basic Science and anatomy. Steadman-Hawkins Clinic, Vail. Grand Rounds.
- Cascio BM. Rotator Cuff Basic Science and Anatomy. Steadman-Hawkins Clinic, Vail. Grand Rounds.
- Cascio BM, Sterett B. High tibial osteotomies in the athlete. Colorado University Sports Medicine Conference. September, 2006. Course Director E. McCarty.
- Cascio BM, Al-Talib T, Au A, Polotsky A, Hungerford DS, Frondoza CG. PMMA particles induce caspace 3, iNOS expression and apoptotic chondrocyte death. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chicago. March 21-26, 2006.
- Cartilage Repair: State of the Art 2006. Grand Rounds. Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. April 6, 2006.
- Compartment Syndrome. National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses, Baltimore Chapter. September, 2005.
- Gurkan I, Cascio BM, Sharma B, Fermanian S, Mears S, Park HB, Williams CG, Elisseeff JH. Articular Cartilage Repair: Novel Photopolymerizing Hydrogels With Integrating Adhesive. Presented at Maryland Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Balitmore, MD, 2004. (I. Gurkan presenter)
- Farmer KW, Cascio BM, McFarland E, et al. In-hospital morbidity, mortality, and economic impact of shoulder versus hip and knee arthroplasty. Presented at the Maryland Orthopaedic Society, Baltimore 2004 and 9th International Congress on Surgery of the Shoulder Meeting, Washington D.C., May 2004. (KW Farmer presenter)
- Toulson, CE, Cascio BM, Wilckens JH, Ain MC, Frassica FJ. Documentation of compartment syndrome. National Medical Associaticon. San Diego, CA, 2004. Medtronic Resident Symposium. 1st Place, orthopaedics division. (CT presenter)
- Cascio BM. Compartment syndrome: Diagnosis and treatment. Resident inservice. Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedics. 2002. Orthopaedic Nurse inservice, 2004.
- Cascio BM, Plauche HR, Pasqua A, Harris MB. Comparison of retrograde and antegrade femoral nailing: fifty-nine cases from the trauma registry of the Medical Center of Louisiana in New Orleans. Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum, Miami, FL, February, 2001.
- Cascio BM, Thomas KA, Wilson SC. Comparison of the stiffness of transverse and step osteotomies in torsion. National Student Research Forum, Galveston, TX, April 2000.
- Cascio BM, Wilson SC. The use of a sigmoid-shaped template to improve the efficiency of allograft insertion into long bones. National Student Research Forum, Galveston, TX, April 1999.
- Thomas R, Cascio BM, Feagin JA. The influence of the menstrual cycle on ACL laxity. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), New Orleans, LA, March 1998. (Thomas R presenter)
- Cascio BM, Briggs K, Steadman R. 5 Year Survivorship of Patients Treated with an Arthroscopic regimen for Osteoarthritis of the Knee. AAOS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2008.
- Cascio BM, Yen Y, Briggs K, Steadman R. Revision microfracture. International Cartilage Repair Society Annual Meeting. Warsaw, Poland, 2007. Accepted. E-poster
- Cascio BM, Ain MC, Pateder D, Wilckens JH, Mears S, Frassica FJ. A systems approach to the improvement of compartment syndrome documentation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chicago. March 21-26, 2006.
- Fermanian S, Sharma B, Cascio B, Mears S, Elisseeff JH. Chondral Lesion Repair in a Critical Size Defect Goat Model Using an Injectable Hydrogel Scaffold in Conjunction with Marrow Stimulation.
- International Cartilage Repair Society San Diego Jan 8-11, 2006.
- American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Hershey, PA. 2006.
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. San Diego 2007.
- American Orthopaedic Association, Asheville, NC 2007.
- Farmer KW, Cascio BM, McFarland E, et al. In-hospital morbidity, mortality, and economic impact of shoulder versus hip and knee arthroplasty. Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
- Cascio BM, Ain MC, Frassica FJ. Inadequate documentation in compartment Syndrome: A Review of 30 cases. Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
- Cascio BM, Wilckens JH, Frassica FJ. Delay in from diagnosis to fasciotomy of compartment syndrome. Presented at the Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (SOMOS) Meeting, Waikiki, Hawaii, December 2003.
- Cascio BM, Thomas KA, Wilson SC. The mechanical evaluation of transverse, step, and sigmoid osteotomies for allograft fixation. Presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), San Francisco, CA, February 2001.
Scientific Exhibits
- Farber A, Cascio BM, Khanna J. MRI of the shoulder. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chicago. March 21-26, 2006.
- Kramer D, Cascio BM, Bahk M, Cosgarea A. Arthroscopy of the posterior compartment of the knee. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chicago. March 21-26, 2006.
In Progress
- Cascio BM, Al-Talib T, Au A, Polotsky A, Hungerford DS, Frondoza CG. PMMA particles induce caspace 3, iNOS expression and apoptotic chondrocyte death. Paper in progress
- Cascio BM. All arthroscopic biceps tenodesis
- Cascio BM, Yen YM, King DJ. Young athletic psoas impingement.
Team and Event Coverage
- Johns Hopkins University Football (Division III) and Lacrosse (Division I)
- Denver Broncos
- Colorado Rockies
- Vail Ultra 100 mountain bike race, October 2006
- United States Ski Team, Snowboard Team
- Race for the Cup, 2007, Snowboard Downhill, November 21, 2006
- John Curtis Christian School Football
- Tulane University Football
- Director, LSU Sports Medicine
- East St. John Football
- West St. John Football
- Ridgewood Prep Football
- Crescent City Baptist Football
- Sacred Heart School
- Dominican High School
- Archbishop Chapelle High School
- Mount Carmel Academy
- New Orleans Shell Shockers, Minor League Soccer Team
- Brother Martin High School
- McNeese State University, Head Team Physician
- LaGrange High School
- Barbe High School
- Sulfur High School
- Westlake High School
- Sacred Heart School
- St Louis Catholic High School
- Swashbucklers Football
- Southwest Louisiana Rodeo – February
Research Mentors
John A. Feagin, Jr. MD. Duke University
Frank J. Frassica, MD. Johns Hopkins University
Richard Steadman, MD. Steadman-Hawkins Clinic, Vail
Marc Phillipon, MD. Steadman-Hawkins Clinic, Vail
Jennifer Elisseeff, PhD, Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering