Cascio Sports & Orthopaedics
Brett Cascio, M.D.
Brett Cascio, M.D.
In The News
5 Ways To Fight Summer Weight Gain
Sometimes winter isn’t the only season you need to worry about gaining weight. Summer barbecues, picnics, and gatherings typically have lots of irresistible food. Luckily, there are five easy things you can do to help keep your weight in check this summer.
How Do You Know You Tore Your ACL?
There’s no denying that knee injuries can take a serious toll on your quality of life and ACL injuries are no exception.
5 Ways to Get Calcium if You’re Lactose Intolerant
Calcium is an important nutrient for the human body, however, if you’re lactose intolerant, getting enough calcium can be challenging. Here are some useful tips on how to get enough dietary calcium.
Water Therapy Exercises
Water therapy exercises are one of the commonly used methods for treating back pain. Exercises will generally range from easy exercises that take place in a pool of shallow water to more intensive exercises such as those involving underwater treadmills.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief
Using a treadmill is one of the most popular exercises for people trying to get or stay in shape. But before you hop on the treadmill and turn it up to full speed, consider these advantages and disadvantages.