Cascio Sports & Orthopaedics
Brett Cascio, M.D.
Brett Cascio, M.D.
In The News
What’s That Popping Sound in My Ankle?
That popping sound when you flex your ankle or climb stairs isn’t necessarily just advancing age. It could be harmless, but if there’s also pain, see an orthopedist.
Joint Sprains and Strains
“Is my injury a sprain or a strain?” – that’s a great question. If you’ve injured yourself and are in pain, you deserve to know why. This post contains everything you need to know.
Elbow Health for Golf and Tennis Players
The last thing a golfer or tennis player wants is an elbow injury that limits or sidelines them. In order to keep your elbows in great shape, follow the information and advice outlined in this article.
What’s That Popping Sound in My Knee?
Most of your life you’ve noticed it: Your knee sometimes makes a popping sound when you bend it, or crouch, or climb steps, or just shift your weight. Is this an indication of something wrong with your knee?
All About X-ray Tests
Here’s a brief introduction to X-rays, how they work, what they’re used for, and how to make sure you get the greatest medical benefit from X-rays with the least possible risk.