The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers four major disability compensation programs which provides to federal workers (or their dependents) and other specific groups who are injured at work or acquire an occupational disease.

Hurt on the job?
Worker’s Compensation
Worker’s Comp injuries need a doctor with the special training and experience to handle these complex problems. When you can’t work, the stress of life is compounded. Dr. Cascio and his team have years of experience dealing with both the surgical and non-surgical treatment of on the job Injuries.
Our first goal is to diagnose your shoulder hip knee or other bone or joint problem. We then give your your options. If surgery is needed and that’s the direction you want to go, we give you state of the art surgical care, usually with arthroscopy through just a few poke holes. Postoperative care such as oral and topical medications and physical therapy and gradually and efficiently returning you to work is the final and most important phase of your healing journey.