What is a Fluoroscopic Guided Steroid Injection for Knee Pain?
Fluoroscopic Guided Steroid Injection for Knee Pain is a procedure used to help relieve knee pain. This is accomplished by injected a steroid to reduce inflammation using an outpatient and non-operative procedure.
Who needs a Fluoroscopic Guided Steroid Injection for Knee Pain?
Fluoroscopic Guided Steroid Injection for Knee Pain is often used to help ease knee pain due to inflammation in the joint. One example of a condition that may cause this inflammation would be arthritis of the knee.
What are the steps in a Fluoroscopic Guided Steroid Injection for Knee Pain?
Preparing for the Procedure
In order to prepare for the procedure, your knee is cleaned with an antiseptic and then injected with a medication in order to numb the injection site. An imagining device that uses X-rays, called a fluoroscope, is then positioned.
Injecting the Dye
In order to ensure accuracy of the steroid injected, your doctor will use the fluoroscope to see inside your knee joint. To do this, a contrast dye will be injected into the knee. The dye is visible on the images created by the fluoroscope, so your doctor can make any necessary corrections if the initial placement is incorrect.
Finding the Correct Location
Your physician will be ready to perform the steroid injection once the dye is in the joint space.
Performing the Injection
The syringe used to inject the dye is now replaced with a syringe filled with a steroid and local anesthetic. This solution is then injected into the joint space.
After Surgery
This solution of steroid and local anesthetic serves to reduce pain and inflammation in the knee joint. In some cases, this procedure may need to be repeated.