Cascio Sports & Orthopaedics
Brett Cascio, M.D.
Brett Cascio, M.D.
In The News
What Are the Most Common Sports Injuries?
Sustaining a limiting or sidelining injury is the worst thing that can happen to an athlete. Because the first step in injury prevention is education, athletes are encouraged to take the time to learn some of the most common sports injuries.
6 Possible Post-Joint Replacement Surgery Issues and How To Treat Them
In this article, we shall briefly overview the common complications seen with any type of joint replacement surgery, referring to specific complications related to specific joint replacement surgeries where relevant.

How Do You Treat An AC Joint Injury?
AC Joint Injuries are common for active people that fall on their arm. There is away to measure the different AC joint injuries or sprains. Some are low energy and can be treated non operatively.

Can You Run If You Have Runners Knee?
It is ok to run with Runners Knee. It is an overuse injury. It just matters how much it is hurting.

How Long Does It Take An ACL Tear To Heal?
An ACL partial tear can heal in approximately 6 weeks to 8 weeks and we can return the player to play around the 8-12 week mark.